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AEKS uses Gerotto tank cleaning system in refinery

AEKS was contracted to carry out the cleaning of a fixed-roof tank belonging to a refinery. The tank, which had been used to store crude oil for more than a decade, had accumulated about 1.5 meters of sediment on the bottom and a high level of mercury had been detected, making the intervention particularly complex and delicate.

Before the robot Lombrico S Ex-0 provided by Gerotto could be used, the sediment level had to be reduced, a step that took about four weeks. Subsequently, the robot was deployed for a week in eight-hour shifts per day, operated by a staff of five people: an operator, two laborers, a driver, and a site manager.

The solution

AEKS used the robotic solution developed by Gerotto, consisting of two 10-foot containers, for cleaning in ATEX zone 0 environments. The system includes a control room for remote monitoring and management of tank cleaning, ensuring maximum safety for the operator.

The robot, equipped with magnetic tracks that ensure adherence even on oily surfaces, fluidized material through high-pressure nozzles. The front auger further softened the material, facilitating suction and ensuring effective and continuous sediment removal.

Operational efficiency

The use of the robot made it possible to remove about 22 tons per day, completing the job in just one week, compared to the two weeks that would have been required using only manpower.

In terms of the amount of material removed, the robot demonstrated labor-equivalent performance, with the added benefit of increased speed and safety for personnel.

Learn more about Gerotto’s tank cleaning system ⬇️



Le migliori soluzioni per la manutenzione industriale, la pulizia di serbatoi di stoccaggio, tubazioni, spazi confinati, zone Atex e ambienti subacquei.

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    Lo scorso 21 giugno 2024 al Centro Congressi di Padova oltre 400 ospiti provenienti dall’Italia e dall’estero hanno festeggiato i 50 anni dell’azienda. Un contesto innovativo dentro al quale, con video emozionali e un cortometraggio, sono stati rivissuti le tappe e i traguardi raggiunti in questo lungo percorso.

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