Via Croce, 26
35011 Campodarsego
Padova - Italy
T 049 5564422
F 049 5564784
Gerotto will be in attendance at the exibithion dedicated to environmental solutions

The first exibithion abroad for Gerotto since 2019 is Pollutec in Lyon: the perfect chance to restart communicating with leading european players and share our latest news about industrial cleaning.

Our team officially invites you to our stand 1J42 from 12 to 15 of October giving to each contact the possibility to recieve 2 free tickets (until stock depletion).

Contact us to assure your presence in the exibithion.

Gerotto Trucks

La migliore soluzione per lo scavo di sottoservizi, per intervenire in ambienti con sospetto d’inquinamento e per lavorare all’interno di spazi confinati.

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