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Padova - Italy
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Radio-controlled system Smart

Gerotto’s “No more risk” solution for controlling the movement and operation of Lombrico S and XXS Mini Excavator robots is called SMART Radio Control.

Reaching confined spaces while remaining at a safe distance and working with the Lombrico S and XXS robots in complete freedom of movement is now possible. Using a wireless transmitter and receiver mounted directly on the Mini Excavator robot, the SMART radio control allows the operator to move freely in the area to be cleaned. A special type of umbilical, which is lighter than the one usually used, allows the machine to move up to 150 meters from the control unit.

The system is therefore extremely agile and is perfect for removing debris in places that are difficult for the operator to reach, such as mines, ports and steel mills.

True to its motto No more risk, once again Gerotto, with the technology of its Mini Excavator robots, demonstrates the importance of preserving the safety of those working in industrial cleaning.



Le migliori soluzioni per la manutenzione industriale, la pulizia di serbatoi di stoccaggio, tubazioni, spazi confinati, zone Atex e ambienti subacquei.

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