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Gerotto participates in digital edition of Ecomondo 2020

The green economy fair moves to digital platform and extends its duration to two weeks.

Ecomondo 2020, the fair dedicated to the circular economy, green technologies and renewable energy, is moving to a digital platform specially created to allow exhibitors and visitors to meet virtually and follow developments in a constantly growing sector.

The virtual fair transforms Ecomondo into a longer, more innovative and safer event: a digital double week, from November 3 to 15, made up of conferences, workshops, events and meetings between national and international buyers. All in the full protection of people’s health.

Take advantage of this opportunity to discover our latest news:

in case you have already purchased a ticket on Thursday, October 29, you will receive an email to access the platform directly and start planning your virtual experience.

If you don’t have a ticket, here’s how to do it: register in the visitor’s area of the website you will receive within a few hours of registration an email containing the direct link.

We are waiting for you!



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