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Lombrico S-Ex 0 at work in the Netherlands

Reym’s Dutch team talks about their experience with the Gerotto Tank Cleaner in cleaning tanks and reservoirs and recounts the important benefits.

The Dutch company Reym, an excellence in industrial cleaning for more than 65 years, owes its success to safety and its ability to successfully complete tank cleaning while avoiding direct operator intervention. Precisely because of its strong focus on safety, Reym has invested in Gerotto products.

“The robot offers a tank cleaning solution that can work with the so-called ‘floating roof tank,'” says Ronald van Rijswijk, REYM’s technical manager. “When the roof of these tanks is in a maintenance position, space is very limited and it’s really not the case to send people inside.”

A big advantage of using the robot for tank cleaning is that there is no need to empty the tank from gas before work begins. “The robot is certified to work in an Atex 0 zone, which means we can work safely in an explosion hazard area,” says Van Rijswijk. “Of course, we cannot send our operators into such a space. If we were to send people, we would first have to lower the gas concentration in the tank, which is time-consuming and expensive. This is one of the reasons why the customer chooses the robot for tank cleaning. “

The company has also recently invested in the purchase of Kti-7 cameras and Lil-2 LEDs for more accurate inspection of the tank before, during and after cleaning.

Thus, Reym has recognized the effectiveness of using the mini robot Lombrico S Ex-0 and recognizes itself in the “Out-the-Line-of-Fire” philosophy.



Le migliori soluzioni per la manutenzione industriale, la pulizia di serbatoi di stoccaggio, tubazioni, spazi confinati, zone Atex e ambienti subacquei.

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