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The aspiration according to Gerotto and UNI

Two years of collaboration with the Italian National Unification Body have resulted in a reference practice for pneumatic suction systems.

Being called upon by UNI (Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione) to draw up a practice for those working in the field of suction is the perfect crowning achievement of the efforts Gerotto has been making every day, for more than fifty years, to improve its work.

It is therefore with great pride that we announce the publication of the document “Technology for the Implementation of Environmentally Friendly Underground Infrastructure – Pneumatic Suction Systems,” which provides a description of suction practices applicable in the industrial and civil fields.

It was a two-year effort that allowed us to collaborate with other experts in the field in defining guidelines for choosing the most correct “pneumatic suction” technology, which takes into account performance, environmental characteristics, site geology, technical/logistical conditions and, above all, safety.

The practice, which defines the different steps of suction work, recognizes the tremendous importance of trenchless technologies in reducing socio-environmental disruptions compared to traditional excavation techniques, as well as the great flexibility of using suction techniques in a wide variety of industries, such as steel mills, refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, glass industries, construction sites, water treatment plants, biogas production plants, and more.



Le migliori soluzioni per la manutenzione industriale, la pulizia di serbatoi di stoccaggio, tubazioni, spazi confinati, zone Atex e ambienti subacquei.

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